Is it even possible to learn anything in just 10 minutes a day?
Short answer: by studying 10 minutes a day you can learn absolutely anything you like – if you do it right. For a long answer, you’d need to understand a bit how your brain works.
Your brain can do many things. However, if we were to name its one defining feature, it would be adaptability. Learning is not something you should stop doing after getting a formal education. Your brain is capable of learning at any age and in any circumstances.
What’s more: it can be conducive to your long-term and short-term mental health. Remember the doctors’ advice to walk at least 8000 steps a day? Turns out, your brain benefits from daily “learning walks” just as well. You can train your brain just like a muscle—the key is consistency.
You can try the Nerdish app designed to provide you with fun facts and systematic knowledge every day. It has a bunch of free articles, and the paid version also has a free trial.
It offers bite-sized articles on various topics about the world we live in, designed for an effortless and ambient pursuit of knowledge without any pressure.
With Nerdish, you can set up your own pace — from 5 minutes to whatever you want during the day. The articles themselves are short and to the point, containing only the relevant information picked by the experts in the respective field. However, there is an extensive library of knowledge, and more articles are added every week.
Either you set up a habit of day-by-day learning or you want something to keep your mind busy when you are bored—if you decide to try and use Nerdish, you’ll be guaranteed to learn something new in 10 minutes.
In short, the app helps you with:
- – learning something new and unexpected
- – getting a comprehensive overview of a narrow topic that will allow you to talk about it with other people and formulate your opinion on the subject
- – learning the terms in which experts think and write about their area of expertise (we hire authors who have at least an MA or MS in the field)
- – broadening your horizons in all directions
- – learning ambiently and without pressure
- – solving the problem of choice “what should I read or learn today?” free from the agenda imposed on you by the news.
We at Nerdish believe that understanding is the foundation of learning: and we do our best to provide a basis for you to understand as many things about the world as possible. And as you continue to learn about various new things regularly, learning becomes easier. Your brain keeps training to make connections and conjectures. Like any other part of your body, consistent training helps unleash your full potential.
Just keep reading and learning something new every day, even if it is only for 10 minutes—and you’ll be amazed at what your brain can do in just a few months!
And we at Nerdish are happy to provide you with your best refreshing brain-training regimen. Just remember to take things at your own pace, be comfortable, and enjoy yourself.